StoryCraft for Young Authors

Kids tell the best stories! They are natural storytellers and they love to share what's on their mind and in their hearts. This course is a step-by-step guide for kids and their families, empowering these young authors to create their story and share it with the world.

"I'm so glad I learned how to share my story about having dyslexia. My book is going to help so many kids just like me!"

- Alec, Age 10

Power Writing for Professionals

Whatever job you find yourself in, writing is an essential skill. Even if your writing is limited to an occasional email or basic document, you can discover the power of polished writing in this course.

Publishing 101

Have you wondered what it takes to become a published author? Can you imagine holding your book in your hands, and seeing it on the shelf in a bookstore? This course will walk through the basics of publishing, giving you the tools you need to successfully publish your book.

Hi, I’m Beth!

When I discovered the joy of sharing my story with the world through books, I knew I had to empower others to tell their stories. That's why I'm here -- to help you tell your story. The world is waiting to hear from you!